The GATORTAPE® is like no other tape measure. Ergonomically designed to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand, along with our Snout Lock Technology, the GATORTAPE® makes measuring easy for everyone. Offering a 25mm wide and 5m long blade gives you a 2.2m/7FT+ Standout.
Our Uniquely designed CLASS 1 Blades and Top Viewing Window makes every measurement deadly accurate, reassuring you the measurement is true. The GATORTAPE® is a one-of-a-kind tool which all trades and DIYers can use; join #TEAMGATOR today!
GATORTAPE is available in 3 blade styles, Metric only, Imperial Only or Dual (Metric and Imperial). if you need for info please read our blog here
Key Features
1. Top Mounted Window - When designing the Gatortape we wanted to make measuring easy. Extending the blade, the measurement is clearly displayed in the viewing window and can be estimated to fractions of a millimetre
2. Stable Back Plate - When taking accurate measurements, you need to ensure that you are taking measurements perpendicular to the measuring surface, that's why we designed the back plate to ensure this. The back plate also allows the Gatortape to self support for vertical measurements
3. Powerful Snout Lock - Locking in a measurement can sometimes be a pain, the design of the Gatortape ensures the body is always sitting comfortably in your hand with a finger on the snout to lock in the measurement.
4. High Visibility Blade Design - Accuracy is at the heart of Gatortape and you can always be sure of the reading with Class 1 precision (+/- 1.1mm over 10m) and bright high visibility markings on a black background making everything as clear as can be.
5. Points Of Measurement - The Gatortape comes into its own when taking inside measurements, placing the back plate against one surface and extending the blade to the other takes the guess work out of internal measurements. This is not to say it cant be used like a normal tape measure and it's true zero tip allows for external measurements too.